
Beds were just so old fashioned

There was a time in the not too distant past (well, perhaps it is very distant for some) when it simply was not fashionable to sleep in a bed. In those days when life was spent living in various furnished rented flats and apartments it was de rigeur to dismantle the bed, find somewhere Air Swimmers to store it, and sleep on the mattress. On some divans you might be lucky enough to discover that the base itself was also sprung. If this was the case, then careful dismantling would allow you to place the base and the mattress alongside each other to form a super wide bed.My girlfriend and I once lived in a furnished flat in Kilburn. The flat was above a flying shark balloon shop which sold lights and lightshades. There was another flat above ours with which we shared a door and an entrance hall. Although we had our own bathroom, we had to cross the entrance hall to reach it. The occupants of the flat above ours were a very trendy couple of young men who were heavily into the London art scene of the time. It was not long before the air angry bird entrance hall became the home for the remains of three dismantled beds, two from their flat and one form ours. We had the sprung base type, so we ended up with a huge bed big enough for four.The landlord would complain when he came round to collect the rents, and he would warn us of the danger of mice if we continued to sleep on a mattress on the floor, but we continued regardless. It couldn't have been very comfortable but in honesty I can't remember being aware of that fact at the time. Now the years have moved on and I sleep in the most comfortable bed I can imagine and I am very grateful for it. There are few things more important that a good nights sleep in a comfortable bed.

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