
A Baby Conjoined Cap Is Necessary for Travel and Home

Baby Conjoined Cap
 A new-born baby’s head makes up about a quarter of the total length of the body, so the proportion of the head is very big. There are many blood vessels which are located in shallow places without the protection of subcutaneous fat in a baby’s head. As a result, a baby’s head has a big heat dissipating capacity. If you would like to take your baby out for a good walk, it is very important to wear a suitable cap for your lovely baby. A baby conjoined cap is such a suitable cap!

As we know, the weather is very hot in summer. In this hot season, if you put an air-tight cap on your baby’s head, he or she will be sure to feel uncomfortable and annoyed. Such an air-tight cap cannot give out the heat well. Worse still, it will easily lead to miliaria on the head. On the contrary, a cap that can breathe freely, such as the above baby conjoined cap, is totally different in the terms of the effect. This kind of cap can stop your baby from direct solar radiation and thus make your baby’s eyes and tender skin refreshed and comfortable. Besides, when going out for taking part in activities, such a cute cap can not only prevent heatstroke, but also reduce the possibility of getting miliaria.

In winter, as the weather is rather cold, no matter when you take your baby out or just stay at home, it is still necessary to wear a warm cap for your baby. It can have an effect of keeping warm and prevent your baby from getting a cold. Also, it is helpful to reject excessive body heat. By the way, in my point of view, a baby conjoined cap is very cute and beautiful and your baby will like it very much.

