
The Specific Role Toys Play in Kid Education

Before attending school, kids spend most of their time at home undoubtedly, and what they contact most are toys every day. Kids would learn how to face success and failure during the process of playing, and they would understand some abstract concepts such as rules and freedom. Toys could not only provide kids with fun and entertainment, they are bridges that links the real world and kid's world . Toys could be regarded as the books of babies and kids, their horizons are broadened through different kinds of toys.

However, there are various kinds of toys in the market, and parents need to choose what are suitable for their kids instead of buying casually. Here I would like to give a brief introduction of different kinds of toys and their effects, parents could take as references if it's needed.

Educational toys are definitely the most popular toys among parents, parents are more willing to choose these kinds of toys because they think that educational toys may be beneficial for the intellectual development of their baby in the future. For example, children’s sets of bowls toy could help kids to accept the concept of sizes and orders. Puzzles and some matching toys could cultivate baby's imagery thinking and the concept of wholeness. Besides, baby's creation and innovation may be improved as well.

Language learning and music toys are also what gain great popularity among parents, baby toy like baby song music video could foster the listening capability of baby's. Some other language learning books and music boxes are all helpful for developing baby's visual, listening, speaking and writing skills.

 Baby Toy 

Baby Toy 

Baby Toy 

 Building toys like building blocks could help exercise the operational ability and imagination of baby, you could teach your baby to make different buildings, and your baby's space concept would be established as well.

Mobile toys like baby drag, hobbyhorse, baby bike and tumbler could help exercise the muscles of baby's. Baby wooden toys could strengthen the coordinated and balanced ability of baby as well.

Baby Wooden Toys 
Baby Wooden Toys

Baby Wooden Toys

 Mimic toys such as play house toys are what baby like most. They like to cosplay different kinds of roles with their little friends, like doctor, teacher, waiter and so on. Babies and kids would understand the rules of society, family and different industries gradually.


The Most Popular Plants for Gardening

You may be confused about what kind of plants you should grow in your garden to make your garden more beautiful and adorable. Actually many people will choose vegetable and fruits as their garden plants, then they could taste their fruits of labor when comes to harvest. But what if you prefer ornamental plants? Here I would like to introduce you several kinds of popular gardening plants.

The most romantic plants: lavender
When refers to lavender, you may remind of the city of lavender---Provence at the very first time. The purple lavender just like a long purple milky way in the earth, full of love and romance. If you do want to possess a romantic home, you could consider choose high quality lavender seed to grow in your garden. The fragrance of lavender will help release your stress and anxiety after your whole day's work. And you could pick some for having a comfortable bath, you will feel completely relaxed and cozy.

 The most classical plants: rose
Rose could be regarded as the most classical plant in the world, it is the best choice for lovers in Valentine's Day, and women seem to be crazy about it at any time. Rose is quite common in gardening, for its high ornamental value. There are diverse types and color of rose you could choose to grow, just make the fragrance of rose filled with your house and garden.

The most special plant: dandelion
If you are bored with common plants like rose and sunflower, I would like to recommend you a kind of special plant, that is dandelion. Few of people will choose dandelion as their gardening plants, but you could be the first one who eats crab. I think your garden tool set just can't wait to work!

garden tool set 
garden tool set

The most energetic plant: sunflower
Sunflower looks energetic and vivid for it always faces the direction of sun. If what you longs for is a garden filled with energy, then you could consider sunflower. Just imagine how happy you will be every morning you see a large sunflowers in your garden, just like they are all smiling to you.

garden tool set


How to Create a Comfortable Playing Environment for Your Baby

Playing may be thing that baby will do during their babyhood except for eating and sleeping. But parents should realize that your baby is actually observing the world curiously when he or she playing, many surveys show that baby's contact and reaction towards things this time may influence his or her personality formation in the future. Therefore, parents should attempt to provide baby with a comfortable playing environment so that baby could explore the world safely and freely.

In order to look after the baby better, many parents are willing to stay their baby at home, especially in the early ages of their baby. Therefore home will be the main playing field for baby at this time. Toys are undoubtedly what baby plays with most of the time, thus parents should first make sure that toys are safe and clean, and whether your baby will be allergy to the plush toys. I suggest that parents should prepare a baby mat at home for baby playing, baby may easily be infected by bacteria if he or she plays on unclean floor casually, especially for those who are still too young to stand and walk. Baby could play on the mat, which your baby could play more comfortably.

Baby Mat

Baby Mat 

Baby Mat 

If parents are going to take baby outside, special protection and methods are needed to carried out to ensure baby's safety. Baby will stay in the baby carriage or will spend a time in the car, parents should prepare a baby pillow to make sure baby will be comfortable and cozy. On the one hand, baby's cervical vertebra is still very delicate, pillow could help protect baby's cervical vertebra during the journey. On the other hand, special baby travel pillow enables your baby can sleep in the car and baby carriage, which can release the baby's insecurity when staying outside.
Baby Pillow 

Baby Pillow 

Baby Pillow


Ideas for Baby Room Design

Baby room design may be the happiest thing for parents-to-be, for this will be the first room that their little angels stay since their arrivals to the world. And many parents will look forward to making a perfect baby room for their babies. Here, I would like to share some experience regarding baby room design for reference.

First, the color of baby room should be neither too brilliant nor too dark, natural color would be the best choice for baby would feel comfortable in the room. The decoration of the baby room should be simple, the lighting in the room should be gentle. Mirrors should be better removed from the room, to avoid affecting baby's eyes accidentally. As for the furniture in the room, I suggest that less furniture should be placed in the room so that baby will not be injured.

What parents may think of when it comes to baby room design is fairy tale world style, for more often than not kids love stories and fairy tales. Then how could they decorate a fairy tale room for their babies? Wall papers and stickers may what most parents will consider first, for it could be used in a wide range. Choosing some lovely and adorable wall papers and stickers, animals and cartoon characters like peppa pig are all best choices. Wall papers and stickers could make the cozy feeling while at the same time, they are safe for babies and do no harm to their health.

Peppa Pig 

Peppa Pig 

Peppa Pig 

How could fairy tale world lack animals and fairies! To make the baby room look more likable, you could use baby plush toys for decoration. The soft and cute appearances of plush toys increase the feeling of warmth and loveliness, and they would be the best friends of your baby and accompany with him or her to spend the babyhood and childhood. Just imagine, there is a small party in the night dream of your baby with his or her furry toys, they may play together in this small fairy tale room!

baby plush toys 

baby plush toys


Baking and Barbecue: Family Activity Best Choices

Sometimes family activities could be very tired and troublesome, for you need to try your best to cater to everyone’s interest and taste. And you have to prepare a lot if you are going to do something outside like going picnic. In my opinion, I prefer family activities that could gather the whole family and share something together, thus baking and barbecue are what I am going to recommend today, which I think are the best family activities.

Baking could be regarded as a good family activity, even though your families know little about baking, you could learn and try together. Though there are lots of processes in baking and may need some experience sometimes, your goal is not making a perfect cake or biscuits but enjoy the fun and joy together. You could discuss what kind of desserts you want to make, and then buy materials according to your need. As for baking supplies like cake molds, icing pipe and some other tools, I suggest you could buy wholesale baking supplies online if you want to save more money. You could refer to some recipes and baking guides for more information, and this is also a great opportunity for you to teach your kids some kitchen skills .

 wholesale baking supplies 

wholesale baking supplies 

wholesale baking supplies 

 Except for baking, barbecue is also a good option for family activity. One of the advantages of barbecue is that you and your family could enjoy your happy hours outside in the natural environment without staying at your house all the time. And you don't need to worry about whether your families like barbecue or not, you just need to make sure that what their favorite food is. I believe that everyone likes tasteful food and is willing to taste some yummy food with families in a wonderful vacation day. As for barbecue supplies, you could buy some from the shopping mall or you could also shop online. 

barbecue supplies 

barbecue supplies 

barbecue supplies


Ideas for Aquarium Decorations Choosing

Aquarium decoration could be as complicated as house decoration if you do want to possess a marvelous aquarium water world at home. There are diverse kinds of aquarium decorations now, from sand to stone to corals, you could choose according to your preference. Here I would like to introduce you some most popular and common types of decorations.

Seaweed could be deemed as the most frequent-used aquarium decoration, for it is easy to keep and could provide the water creatures in the aquarium with adequate oxygen, which is economical as well as ecological. Except for natural seaweed, you could also choose artificial water plants decorations such as colorful plastic seaweed and green seaweed moss ball to increase the vitality in your aquarium.

Green Seaweed Moss Ball

Green Seaweed Moss Ball 

 Pumice stone is also a kind of good aquarium decoration. The floating stones are just like the small islands that float upon the water, and the fishes look huge and big when comparing with the small pumice stones, just give you an impression that you are watching a magical world.

Green Seaweed Moss Ball 

 Corals are the best aquarium decorations as far as I'm concerned, due to their colorful and adorable appearances. Except for decoration, corals can also be the natural filters in the aquarium, to help purify the water. However, you have to realize that it may be quite difficult to clean the corals, and you need to clean it gently to avoid hurting it.

aquarium decorations

aquarium decorations

The most convenient aquarium decoration must be artificial decorations like jewellery, shipwrecks, boxes and some other plastic decorations. They are soft and will not injure the fishes when fishes swim everywhere. In addition, you could decorate it according to a certain theme, like pirate world or mysterious sea world are both good ideas for aquarium decoration, your imagination could be came true in this little aquarium.

aquarium decorations


The Fairy Tale World of Kids


I always wondered how world looked like when I was still a little girl or even a baby girl, what was filled with my little brain? Since I am an adult and grow up now, it's impossible for me to figure out this problem by myself unless there is a time machine could drive me back to my childhood. As time goes by, I am now a mother of two kids, and I begin to realize that maybe there always exists a fairy world in the eyes of every kid.

There is no doubt that toys accompany with kids when they spend their their happy-go-lucky childhood. Actually, all these toys consist of their world at that time. For little baby, his or her world was full of baby rattle dolls and toys. Babyhood is short for both baby and parents, babies spend most of their babyhood in their baby beds. Out of the reason of loneliness elimination, parents will always buy lots of baby rattle toys to attract and entertain their babies when they are awake. In my romantic fantasy, the world of baby must be filled with toy animals like plush elephants, plush giraffes, rabbits, tigers and monkeys. They play with the baby freely in a beautiful and peaceful forest every day, and they could sing, dance as well as tell stories. What a wonderful fairy tale world!

              Baby Rattle
Baby Rattle 

Baby Rattle
Actually I could remind some pieces of my childhood memories now. The memories that played with my little friends, the games we’ve played together, and the toys we shared with each other. The most impressive toy at that time must be the child wooden toy kaleidoscope. Life in childhood was always full of freshness and happiness, the green trees, blue sky, red and pink and purple flowers, white T-shirts, just like the colorful world seen through the polygon mirror. How brilliant, how marvelous, how unforgettable it was.

Child Wooden Toy

Child Wooden Toy 

Child Wooden Toy