
The Fairy Tale World of Kids


I always wondered how world looked like when I was still a little girl or even a baby girl, what was filled with my little brain? Since I am an adult and grow up now, it's impossible for me to figure out this problem by myself unless there is a time machine could drive me back to my childhood. As time goes by, I am now a mother of two kids, and I begin to realize that maybe there always exists a fairy world in the eyes of every kid.

There is no doubt that toys accompany with kids when they spend their their happy-go-lucky childhood. Actually, all these toys consist of their world at that time. For little baby, his or her world was full of baby rattle dolls and toys. Babyhood is short for both baby and parents, babies spend most of their babyhood in their baby beds. Out of the reason of loneliness elimination, parents will always buy lots of baby rattle toys to attract and entertain their babies when they are awake. In my romantic fantasy, the world of baby must be filled with toy animals like plush elephants, plush giraffes, rabbits, tigers and monkeys. They play with the baby freely in a beautiful and peaceful forest every day, and they could sing, dance as well as tell stories. What a wonderful fairy tale world!

              Baby Rattle
Baby Rattle 

Baby Rattle
Actually I could remind some pieces of my childhood memories now. The memories that played with my little friends, the games we’ve played together, and the toys we shared with each other. The most impressive toy at that time must be the child wooden toy kaleidoscope. Life in childhood was always full of freshness and happiness, the green trees, blue sky, red and pink and purple flowers, white T-shirts, just like the colorful world seen through the polygon mirror. How brilliant, how marvelous, how unforgettable it was.

Child Wooden Toy

Child Wooden Toy 

Child Wooden Toy

