
The Specific Role Toys Play in Kid Education

Before attending school, kids spend most of their time at home undoubtedly, and what they contact most are toys every day. Kids would learn how to face success and failure during the process of playing, and they would understand some abstract concepts such as rules and freedom. Toys could not only provide kids with fun and entertainment, they are bridges that links the real world and kid's world . Toys could be regarded as the books of babies and kids, their horizons are broadened through different kinds of toys.

However, there are various kinds of toys in the market, and parents need to choose what are suitable for their kids instead of buying casually. Here I would like to give a brief introduction of different kinds of toys and their effects, parents could take as references if it's needed.

Educational toys are definitely the most popular toys among parents, parents are more willing to choose these kinds of toys because they think that educational toys may be beneficial for the intellectual development of their baby in the future. For example, children’s sets of bowls toy could help kids to accept the concept of sizes and orders. Puzzles and some matching toys could cultivate baby's imagery thinking and the concept of wholeness. Besides, baby's creation and innovation may be improved as well.

Language learning and music toys are also what gain great popularity among parents, baby toy like baby song music video could foster the listening capability of baby's. Some other language learning books and music boxes are all helpful for developing baby's visual, listening, speaking and writing skills.

 Baby Toy 

Baby Toy 

Baby Toy 

 Building toys like building blocks could help exercise the operational ability and imagination of baby, you could teach your baby to make different buildings, and your baby's space concept would be established as well.

Mobile toys like baby drag, hobbyhorse, baby bike and tumbler could help exercise the muscles of baby's. Baby wooden toys could strengthen the coordinated and balanced ability of baby as well.

Baby Wooden Toys 
Baby Wooden Toys

Baby Wooden Toys

 Mimic toys such as play house toys are what baby like most. They like to cosplay different kinds of roles with their little friends, like doctor, teacher, waiter and so on. Babies and kids would understand the rules of society, family and different industries gradually.

